Land Surveying Specialists

We provide surveying services to Consultancies that want the best Surveyors to be part of their project team.

Our team of expert Surveyors are here to help.

Definition Surveying

Taura hono tangata, taura here whenua (When land connects us)

Our nationwide team of Surveyors can provide expert advice and inputs on any project where experts in land are required

Land Surveying Services - Hawke's Bay | Bay of Plenty | Wellington | Canterbury | Southland

When we connect with the land, we connect with people, we become part of something bigger than ourselves. New Zealand’s unique and varied landscape is at the core of who we are at Definition Surveying. We take pride in understanding and connecting with the land at a fundamental level in order to enrich it for future generations. When we invest in the land we invest in our people.

Definition Surveying – When land connects us

Who are we?